Banner Medical Institute
The first pharmacist-focused course with the exact process you need to write meaningful content and start your successful medical writing business.

Empowering you to transcend the traditional pharmacy boxes

Use your unique and
valuable voice

Create your own path to financial success using the skills you already have.
You can have a successful career in medical writing
- No matter which college you went to
- No matter your credentials (Yes, even without a PharmD!)
- Even if you’ve never published or written a medical piece before
- Even if you don’t know how to start or what you would write about

Instead of fumbling on your own, trying to figure out what companies are looking for from a medical writer, learn the exact steps for creating content that makes clients want to hire you and keep coming back!
Try our $49 Jumpstart Program Today.
Put our lessons to use immediately and jumpstart your medical writing.

Milena M
I am so glad that I did not let the little bit of knowledge that I had get in the way of the doors that the Medical Writing Mastery Class has opened for me. I would highly recommend this course regardless of the amount of experience with medical writing that you have